

This page is going to have all of the video links to all of the speaking engagements that I've done. Continue to scroll down to navigate through each section.

Conference Talks

Automated S3 Blocking with AWS Macie & DataCop | DevOpsDays Dallas

Automated S3 Blocking with AWS Macie & DataCop

Minimizing AWS S3 bucket attack vectors at scale - BSides DFW

Minimizing AWS S3 bucket attack vectors at scale

How Citi advanced their containment capabilities through automation - fwd:cloudsec

Minimizing AWS S3 bucket attack vectors at scale

How Citi advanced their containment capabilities through automation - AWS re:Inforce 2023

How Citi advanced their containment capabilities through automation

Podcast Features

Why DevSecOps is CRITICAL for your Security Strategy | Integrating Security into the SDLC Cycle

AWS Incident Response - Automate Containment